Neil Bravo
The world comes to a halt this Sunday in anticipation of another grand display of ringmanship by global boxing icon Manny Pacquiao.
This has become a hackneyed line everytime the Pacman fights, but sans all the cliche fatigue, let me pass up on this one for yet another time. Manny's fight with another Mexican hombre Antonio Margarito on Sunday will keep everyone in their homes or in pay-per-view screening hubs from elsewhere around the globe.
The hype is over and all that remains is who gets to raise his arms in triumph in Texas.
Without a doubt, Manny is poised to win in whatever fashion--by a KO or a decision. That's how the storyline goes from the draft of any boxing genius. Save a very few perhaps whose main reason for a possible reversal will be Manny's very own making--a less than a hundred percent preparation in training camp, or a destruction from politics.
But that has always been the case. There is always a plot in every Pacman fight and that makes every Pacman fight interesting.
It could either be his adventures with women, misadventures with contracts, politics or entertainment. I personally doff my hat to the spin doctor for weaving a web of controversies that should only bring about the public's keen interest in Manny's fights. Not that I believe that this is a faked plot.
There are real plots in Manny's camp and very few of those are known to us. But who cares? Everytime we see Manny rant and chant with his fists in training, we are blown away like he just spun a tornado. And we are caught in an almost robotic adherence to the theory that you can't hit what you can't catch. You can't beat what you can't hit.
Caution fellas, there is always an accompanying antithesis to a proven theorem even in the sweet science of boxing. Margarito is slow. Almost turtlish that Gerry Penalosa said his punches come with a permission to hit. But lo, beware of the turtle. Remember what the turtle had done to the monkey in our grade school folktale?
Alright, this isn't a race and Manny ain't a stupid monkey to succumb to Margarito's ploy. Manny will not be overcomplacent even against a turtle.
Will it be pakyaw or pakyas?
I see Pacquiao swallow Margarito like the little worm in a Mexican tequila. Manny will still end up the lone star of the night in the Lone Star state of Texas this Sunday.
And then he can sing after the concert. Drink up Mexican beer Corona for a change and watch Mommy sip Margarita straight out of Tijuana.
All that for a perfect ending of a perfect story.
Because in a perfect world and on a perfect night, Manny is indestructible.
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