It was a cold Sunday indeed. Strangely enough, at a time when summer should be knocking by the door, it was awfully chilling this weekend. I had a hot soup to mix with a Sunday chill to share.
Down with colds, I had a short run Sunday then retired to my couch to watch a heap of boxing treat. First, there was Pinoy Pride III. Cebu City once again proved to the world that it has emerged as a sports destination and its management capabilities in sports is at par with the world’s standards.
This is once again displayed when the queen city of the South hosted the Pinoy Pride III featuring the rematch between Filipino upstart Rey “Boom Boom” Bautista against archnemesis Alejandro Barrera at the posh Waterfront Hotel.
Boom Boom stopped Barrera in three rounds of their rematch last Saturday in what was to be his best outing we have seen in years. For a while it looked like Boom Boom’s career was on a downslide. With Saturday’s win, he has a lot of good fights waiting down the road.
But the biggest victor in Saturday’s card was Cebu City and its organizers who showed the rest of the world that it can stage world fights such as this one. In one fight where an Indonesian boxer Billy Sumba was sent to dreamland by a young 18-year old Pinoy phenom, the timely and well-equipped medical team came to the Indon’s rescue.
In another boxing match elsewhere in Detroit, WBO welterweight titlist Tim Bradley won the unification match with WBC champ Devon Alexander. Bradley boldly called out Manny Pacquiao after the bout which ended in an ugly technical decision due to headbutt injuries suffered by Alexander.
You think Bradley is ready for Manny?
From where I sat, Bradley will be a good striker for the Azkals with his headbutting. Against Manny, the one-dimensional fighter won’t stand a chance. He can be a good fight against Juan Manuel Marquez though.
That was as far as my cold Sunday took me. And now for the hot soup.
Some people have it that when someone writes something bad about you in the papers, you are being attacked personally.
I beg to disagree.
When writers like us discuss issues here, we take the man out of the issue and focus on the act. Especially when the acts done are official acts. It’s nothing personal. In fact, if you care about the man, you point out the wrong instead of tolerating it.
Those who try two sweet-coat and defend the man are there not really there because they care for the man.
That is the difference.
Many times in this career, people talk you out to sanitize your written thoughts. I simply ask you not.
It’s the recent events that make me sick. Almost puke in disgust.
It’s really getting to be frustrating. How provisions in civil service are being rail-roaded and mocked at here and how private acts are not distinguished from official government acts. I could not even imagine how a simple one year election ban can be made easily violated. I need not elaborate but truth will come out. Sports may be a world of fiction and drama but reality is still the beat that everyone will have to hum with when all the presscon talk is over.
I simply wished for decency here. Propriety. Must I be forced to respect someone who does not respect simple provisions of law and simple propriety?
Pardon me but I could not close my eyes on this. I will not speak for those in this same sporting profession. They have their own opinion and I respect that. But I would rather be the only man talking than be silent forever.
In legal parlance, you call it estoppel. If you sleep on your rights, you will be barred from enforcing it. When you are called to speak and you don’t, you are silenced for the rest of your life.
As far as I’m concerned, that is totally unacceptable.
I’d drink my hot soup for that.