Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Yes, Joker, a sports office is not for intramurals

I was in church Sunday morning when I got this message from a good friend. It was an invitation to a chess tournament from James Infiesto at the Blue Jaz in nearby Samal Island.

James, whose face and name is easily recognizable as a performing magician, is a friend from way back in college. He is the regional president of the National Chess Federation of the Philippines (NCFP) and that gives him the right to act as the NSA representative for chess in this part of the country.

I begged off from the invitation but not after thanking the guy for his effort to reach out. That’s what real sportsmen are.

James is rumoured to be in the shortlist of candidates as head of the city’s sports development office which remain idle and headless since new Mayor Sara Duterte took office. Personally, I like James but I heard that a consultant from city hall is pushing for another candidate who does not have any experience in managing an office either in government service or the private sector.

Coming from a supposed experienced manager, that has to be a very poor choice.

I cannot help but be ribbed about this latest comic development. First, you got someone who could be breaking Section 94 (b) of the Local Government Code. Then you got a recommendation for someone to head a vital position without a development management experience on his curriculum vitae. I don’t even know about the other Civil Service requirements either.

But what is intriguing and mysterious, if not scandalous, is the choice of this candidate as possible head of the sports office?

I cannot help but recall to mind the words of Senator Jokey Arroyo when he compared the Cabinet of President Noy as “student council.” Is the city sports office also going the way of a school intramurals?

It’s still too early to say. But the Mayor should be told that there is something really mysterious about this recommendation. Then she’d probably start researching why.

This is nothing personal. We all are for sports development in the city and we know that the Mayor is serious about this. With all humility, I have seen sports in this city from the outside and inside for some time now. This is the chance for the Mayor to redeem the scorecards the Dutertes had in the subject of sports.

It starts with the right people. It’s not the money. The city can run a sports program with its resources. Problem is, someone has to chart the blueprint of a serious and realistic sports program. Someone who is loaded in this subject between the ears. Someone who has earned his spurs in school and in experience. Not something popped like magic. Not air between ears. Not empty promises. Not NATO.

You know what NATO is?

No action talk only.

Some people will be disguised like geniuses, visionary, but they are not. They move about around up there. Up close with the powers that be.

James is close to the Mayor but he says he will never sell himself so hard. On stage wherever the Mayor visits barangays, James does all the acts that are comic, mysterious and magical. But the Mayor knows James’ magical acts are merely for stage purposes only.

Unlike some mysterious, magical acts by some people.

I wonder.

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